Phenotype: RGR P Zn norm
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AraGWAS Associations:
individual root growth was measured as the mean of 3 Arabidopsis seedlings between day 4 and 6 on MS plates. This phenotype is the normalized root growth rates (compared to growth on MS) for seedlings growing under -P and -Zn.
Growth conditions:
Seedlings were grown on MS plates at 22°C in a growth chamber with long day conditions (16h light, 8h dark)
Environment ontology:
'5.63e-20' (p-value)
Submission date:
July 16, 2019, 9:11 a.m.
* The Shapiro-Wilk test tests the null hypothesis that the data was drawn from a normal distribution.
Geographic distribution of 227 accessions
Phenotype Publications
  • Systems approaches provide new insights into Arabidopsis thaliana root growth under mineral nutrient limitation

    Nadia Bouain, Arthur Korte, Santosh B. Satbhai, Seung Y. Rhee, Wolfgang Busch, Hatem Rouached

    []. 2018 None: None. doi: 10.1101/460360