Search results for query: inflorescence
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Ontology NameSourceDefinitionInfo
floret number per inflorescencePlant Trait Ontology (PTO)"Average number of flowers (florets) in a grass inflorescence." [GR:pj]Infos
ear inflorescence morphology traitPlant Trait Ontology (PTO)"An inflorescence morphology trait (TO:0000373) which is a quality of an ear inflorescence (PO:0020136)." [TO:cooperl]Infos
days to inflorescence exsertionPlant Trait Ontology (PTO)"Number of days required for the emergence of inflorescence to become visible on the plant." [GR:pj]Infos
arrangement of inflorescence primary branchPlant Trait Ontology (PTO)"An inflorescence branch arrangement (TO:0002751) trait which is the arrangement of primary branches in an inflorescence (PO:0009049)." [GR:pj, PO:0009049, TO:moorel]Infos