
AraPheno is a public database collection of Arabidopsis thaliana phenotypes.

This Database allows to search and filter for public phenotypes and to obtain additional meta-information.
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Public Studies

Browse through all available public Arabidopsis thaliana studies and retrive additional information.

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Public Phenotypes

Browse through all available public Arabidopsis thaliana phenotypes and studies and retrive additional information.

spaView Phenotypes


Master Accession Table

Browse through all Arabidopsis thaliana accessions and find out how many phenotypes are available for which accessions.

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Submit Phenotypes

Submit and publish your own studies and phenotypes in order to share it with the community

backupSubmit Phenotypes


Download Database

Here you can download the full database, including all phenotypes and meta-information

cloud_downloadDownload Database



The REST API can be used to retrieve phenotype data and meta-information from AraPheno via URLs.



Take a Tour

Take a guided tour through Arapheno and familiarise yourself with all available public functions.

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FAQ & Tutorials

Here, you can find detailed help about the functions of AraPheno, its integrated data and frequently asked questions.



Feedback & Issues

Here, you can submit issues, feedback or any related questions regarding AraPheno.

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fiber_new News & Updates
library_books AraPheno and the AraGWAS Catalog 2020: New paper published

We are happy to announce the next generation of our A. thaliana resources AraPheno and the AraGWAS Catalog, which got published in the Database issue of Nucleic Acids Research:

Matteo Togninalli*, Ümit Seren*, Jan A Freudenthal, J Grey Monroe, Dazhe Meng, Magnus Nordborg, Detlef Weigel, Karsten Borgwardt, Arthur Korte, Dominik G Grimm: AraPheno and the AraGWAS Catalog 2020: a major database update including RNA-Seq and knockout mutation data for Arabidopsis thaliana; Nucleic Acids Research, gkz925,

library_books AraGWAS Catalog paper published

We are happy to announce that the AraGWAS Catalog was published in the Database issue of Nucleic Acids Research:

Matteo Togninalli, Ümit Seren, Dazhe Meng, Joffrey Fitz, Magnus Nordborg, Detlef Weigel, Karsten Borgwardt, Arthur Korte, and Dominik G. Grimm; The AraGWAS Catalog: a curated and standardized Arabidopsis thaliana GWAS catalog; Nucleic Acids Research, gkx954,

library_books AraPheno paper published

We are happy to annouce that AraPheno was published in the Database issue of Nucleic Acids Research (NAR):

Ümit Seren, Dominik Grimm, Joffrey Fitz, Detlef Weigel, Magnus Nordborg, Karsten Borgwardt, and Arthur Korte:AraPheno: A public database for Arabidopsis thaliana phenotype, Nucl. Acids Res. first published online October 24, 2016 doi:10.1093/nar/gkw986

new_releases AraPheno is online

We are proud to annouce that the first public phenotype database for the model organism Arabidopsis thaliana has launched.

insert_chart Quick Stats
view_list 28 Studies
spa 1038 Phenotypes total
spa 536 Phenotypes published
history Last Update: Feb/16/2025
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