FT10 | days to flowering trait | growth chamber study | day | 1 | 1001genomes flowering time phenotypes | 99.0 |
FT16 | days to flowering trait | growth chamber study | day | 1 | 1001genomes flowering time phenotypes | 86.25 |
Inter-specific pollination of Arabidopsis thaliana and Malcolmia littorea | hybrid incompatibility | growth chamber study | count unit | 1 | Inter-specific pollination of Arabidopsis thaliana and Malcolmia littorea | 4.2 |
Length | stem length | growth chamber study | length unit | 1 | 1001 Genomes & easyGWAS | 45.5 |
DTF2 | days to flowering trait | growth chamber study | day | 1 | 1001 Genomes & easyGWAS | 72.75 |
DTF3 | days to flowering trait | growth chamber study | day | 1 | 1001 Genomes & easyGWAS | 86.25 |
DTF1 | days to flowering trait | growth chamber study | day | 1 | 1001 Genomes & easyGWAS | 67.25 |
RL | leaf number | growth chamber study | count unit | 1 | 1001 Genomes & easyGWAS | 51.0 |
CL | cauline axillary branch number | growth chamber study | count unit | 1 | 1001 Genomes & easyGWAS | 14.75 |
RBN | primary branch number | growth chamber study | count unit | 1 | 1001 Genomes & easyGWAS | 3.5 |
Diameter | flower diameter | growth chamber study | length unit | 1 | 1001 Genomes & easyGWAS | 19.0 |
stomata density | adaxial stomatal frequency | growth chamber study | density unit | 1 | Natural variation in stomata size (Dittberner et al. 2018) | 166.666666667 |
stomata density 261 | adaxial stomatal frequency | growth chamber study | density unit | 1 | Natural variation in stomata size (Dittberner et al. 2018) | 166.666666667 |
stomatasize | stomatal process related trait | growth chamber study | millimeter | 1 | Natural variation in stomata size (Dittberner et al. 2018) | 102.5497 |
Stomatasize 261 | stomatal process related trait | growth chamber study | millimeter | 1 | Natural variation in stomata size (Dittberner et al. 2018) | 102.5497 |
delta 13C | stomatal process related trait | growth chamber study | ratio | 1 | Natural variation in stomata size (Dittberner et al. 2018) | -36.4882955289 |
delta 13C 261 | stomatal process related trait | growth chamber study | ratio | 1 | Natural variation in stomata size (Dittberner et al. 2018) | -36.4882955289 |