Metal surrounding trichomes | mineral and ion content related trait | growth chamber study | dimensionless unit | 1 | trichome_development_epidermis_metal_traits | 0.0 |
RGR MS | relative root length | plant growth medium | rate unit | 1 | Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency | 202.0858032 |
clim-tmax5 | other miscellaneous trait | ecological environment | temperature unit | 1 | Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation | 169.0 |
clim-bio14 | other miscellaneous trait | ecological environment | temperature unit | 1 | Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation | 39.0 |
clim-prec12 | other miscellaneous trait | ecological environment | volumetric flow rate unit | 1 | Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation | 65.0 |
clim-tmin3 | other miscellaneous trait | ecological environment | temperature unit | 1 | Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation | 3.0 |
root length day002 minusZn | root length | plant growth medium | micron pixel | 1 | Root growth under Zn deficiency Bouain et al. 2018 | 228.619818182 |
SizeLocSweden2009 | — | — | dimensionless unit | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 0.175 |
Area sweden 2009 (1st experiment) | — | — | square centimeter | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 23159.5 |
deltaRGR P Zn norm on Zn norm | relative root length | plant growth medium | ratio | 1 | Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency | 0.411327025 |
Callose content in trichomes | trichome morphology trait | growth chamber study | dimensionless unit | 1 | trichome_development_epidermis_metal_traits | 16.58 |
clim-gs sum | other miscellaneous trait | ecological environment | dimensionless unit | 1 | Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation | 8.0 |
Size spain 2009 (2nd experiment) | — | — | centimeter | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 8.0 |
callus score 21d protocol a | in vitro plant structure morphology trait | in vitro solid growth medium | dimensionless unit | 12 | Genetic dissection of shoot regeneration from root explants in Arabidopsis (Lardon et al., 2020) | 0.666666666667 |
clim-bio10 | other miscellaneous trait | ecological environment | temperature unit | 1 | Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation | 162.0 |
rFitness thi | yield trait | field study | ratio | 1 | Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation | 1.403000096 |
clim-bio4 | other miscellaneous trait | ecological environment | temperature unit | 1 | Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation | 5808.0 |
clim-tmin11 | other miscellaneous trait | ecological environment | temperature unit | 1 | Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation | 28.0 |
clim-cyclevsgs | other miscellaneous trait | ecological environment | dimensionless unit | 1 | Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation | 3.344344616 |
PF-mean Total length day003 | root length | plant growth medium | micron pixel | 1 | Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency | 175.863916667 |