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Arabidopsis thaliana
Albert Kranz
Collected on:
46.5 / 6.08
CS number:
Scored in 379 phenotypes:
Phenotype NameTrait Ontology (TO)Environmental Ontoloy (EO)Unit Ontology (UO)# valuesStudyValue (mean)
PF-mean Total length day003root lengthplant growth mediummicron pixel1Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency94.2173333333
PC1sc75root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumdimensionless unit1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture-2.911600406
Co59cobalt concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit6Ion Concentration0.671966696167
Leaf roll 10leaf margin serratedgrowth chamber studydimensionless unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 20101.0
noLRpMR125root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumcount unit1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture10.75
PF-mean Total length day005root lengthplant growth mediummicron pixel1Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency327.464444444
Straight75root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumratio1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture0.8781995
Mean(TLRL) Clateral root lengthlaboratory studymillimeter1Control (C) treatment3.0517
P-mean Total length day003root lengthplant growth mediummicron pixel1Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency70.7665
Width 22plant widthgrowth chamber studycentimeter1Atwell et. al, Nature 20107.5
LN10leaf numbergrowth chamber studycount unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 201040.0
Trichome lengthtrichome morphology traitgrowth chamber studylength unit1trichome_development_epidermis_metal_traits2418.881
PC3sc75root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumdimensionless unit1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture-1.260359096
Vern Growthrelative growth rategrowth chamber studypercent1Atwell et. al, Nature 20100.0106649
Metal in trichome basemineral and ion content related traitgrowth chamber studydimensionless unit1trichome_development_epidermis_metal_traits0.0
Cu65copper concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit6Ion Concentration12.73569654
LRDpBZ125root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumcount unit1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture7.30223775
Depth0root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumlength unit1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture3.42489175
FT16days to flowering traitgrowth chamber studyday1Atwell et. al, Nature 2010104.0
As2 CFU2bacterial disease resistancegrowth chamber studycolony forming unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 20104.821