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Arabidopsis thaliana
Alan Slusarenko
Collected on:
47.25 / 8.26
CS number:
Scored in 878 phenotypes:
Phenotype NameTrait Ontology (TO)Environmental Ontoloy (EO)Unit Ontology (UO)# valuesStudyValue (mean)
LY leaf necrosisgrowth chamber studydimensionless unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 20100.0
Anthocyanin 10anthocyanin contentgrowth chamber studydimensionless unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 20100.0
Size sweden 2009 (1st experiment)centimeter1Flowering time in simulated seasons3.4
Autofluorescence colortrichome morphology traitgrowth chamber studydimensionless unit1trichome_development_epidermis_metal_traits0.0
clim-bio5other miscellaneous traitecological environmenttemperature unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation221.0
aLRLpMRL0root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumratio1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture0.065500599
clim-aet11other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation0.136000007
RLleaf numbergrowth chamber studycount unit11001 Genomes & easyGWAS12.5
clim-prec11other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation86.0
Shaveproof trichomesleaf morphology traitgrowth chamber studydimensionless unit1trichome_development_epidermis_metal_traits0.0
aLRL0root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumlength unit1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture0.32261638
clim-tmax11other miscellaneous traitecological environmenttemperature unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation70.0
4Wdays to flowering traitgrowth chamber studyday1Atwell et. al, Nature 201017.0
PC1sc0root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumdimensionless unit1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture-1.597467911
DTF sweden 2009 (2nd experiment)days to flowering traitday1Flowering time in simulated seasons19.75
YieldMainEffect2009seed weightdimensionless unit1Flowering time in simulated seasons-0.0535741
clim-prec8other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation144.0
ScalingExponentshoot system growth and development traitgrowth chamber studydimensionless unit1Adaptive diversification of growth allometry in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana0.807433243
Cu65copper concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 20101.25813
root length day007root lengthplant growth mediummicron pixel1Root growth under Zn deficiency Bouain et al. 2018841.3975