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Arabidopsis thaliana
Albert Kranz
Collected on:
53.476 / 10.6065
CS number:
Scored in 492 phenotypes:
Phenotype NameTrait Ontology (TO)Environmental Ontoloy (EO)Unit Ontology (UO)# valuesStudyValue (mean)
shoots 15d protocol bin vitro plant structure morphology traitin vitro solid growth mediumcount unit12Genetic dissection of shoot regeneration from root explants in Arabidopsis (Lardon et al., 2020)0.0
clim-gs4other miscellaneous traitecological environmentdimensionless unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation1.0
clim-gs1other miscellaneous traitecological environmentdimensionless unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation0.0
clim-prec10other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation50.0
area 15d protocol ain vitro plant structure morphology traitin vitro solid growth mediumarea unit12Genetic dissection of shoot regeneration from root explants in Arabidopsis (Lardon et al., 2020)27544.1666667
rSeeds tlpyield traitfield studyratio1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation0.752064802
FT16days to flowering traitgrowth chamber studyday11001genomes flowering time phenotypes51.5
SizeLocSweden2009dimensionless unit1Flowering time in simulated seasons-5.95
Yield sweden 2009 (2nd experiment)seed weightgram1Flowering time in simulated seasons0.087
clim-tmax8other miscellaneous traitecological environmenttemperature unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation223.0
Area sweden 2009 (2nd experiment)square centimeter1Flowering time in simulated seasons12537.5
Area sweden 2009 (1st experiment)square centimeter1Flowering time in simulated seasons19481.5
clim-bio15other miscellaneous traitecological environmenttemperature unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation18.0
clim-aet3other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation0.879999995
clim-prec7other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation72.0
rFitness mhiyield traitfield studyratio1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation0.710358195
YieldLocSweden2009seed weightdimensionless unit1Flowering time in simulated seasons0.196074
clim-gs sumother miscellaneous traitecological environmentdimensionless unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation8.0
greening 15d protocol ain vitro plant structure morphology traitin vitro solid growth mediumdimensionless unit12Genetic dissection of shoot regeneration from root explants in Arabidopsis (Lardon et al., 2020)97.2965833333
clim-gs5other miscellaneous traitecological environmentdimensionless unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation1.0