FT GH | days to flowering trait | growth chamber study | day | 1 | Atwell et. al, Nature 2010 | 26.1398 |
Basal75 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | length unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 0.49075475 |
PZ-mean Total length day003 | root length | plant growth medium | micron pixel | 1 | Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency | 152.095636364 |
LN16 | leaf number | growth chamber study | count unit | 1 | Atwell et. al, Nature 2010 | 18.0 |
Mg25 | magnesium concentration | growth chamber study | concentration unit | 159 | Ion Concentration | 7747.00165794 |
Apical75 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | length unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 1.55844 |
Metal gradient in trichomes | mineral and ion content related trait | growth chamber study | dimensionless unit | 1 | trichome_development_epidermis_metal_traits | 1.0 |
Trichome solidity | trichome morphology trait | growth chamber study | dimensionless unit | 1 | trichome_development_epidermis_metal_traits | 0.24236 |
MRVL0 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | length unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 3.7823375 |
Zn66 | zinc concentration | growth chamber study | concentration unit | 159 | Ion Concentration | 141.272846512 |
F-mean Total length day003 | root length | plant growth medium | micron pixel | 1 | Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency | 81.0345 |
Li7 | lithium concentration | growth chamber study | concentration unit | 159 | Ion Concentration | 24.5468181401 |
FT10 | days to flowering trait | growth chamber study | day | 1 | 1001genomes flowering time phenotypes | 62.75 |
DTFlocSweden2008 | days to flowering trait | — | dimensionless unit | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 5.63733 |
DTFmainEffect2009 | days to flowering trait | — | dimensionless unit | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | -7.0 |
Aphid number | aphid resistance | growth chamber study | count unit | 1 | Atwell et. al, Nature 2010 | 83.5 |
AAT (Accelerated seed Aging Treatment) | seed longevity | warm/hot water temperature regimen | ratio | 1 | Seed longevity (Renard et. al., 2020) | 0.172965116 |
avrRpt2 | bacterial disease resistance | growth chamber study | dimensionless unit | 1 | Atwell et. al, Nature 2010 | 1.0 |
Metals in stomata | mineral and ion content related trait | growth chamber study | dimensionless unit | 1 | trichome_development_epidermis_metal_traits | 0.0 |
root length day006 minusZn | root length | plant growth medium | micron pixel | 1 | Root growth under Zn deficiency Bouain et al. 2018 | 831.332 |