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Arabidopsis thaliana
Albert Kranz
Collected on:
37.45 / -119.35
CS number:
Scored in 360 phenotypes:
Phenotype NameTrait Ontology (TO)Environmental Ontoloy (EO)Unit Ontology (UO)# valuesStudyValue (mean)
SizeLocSweden2009dimensionless unit1Flowering time in simulated seasons-0.4
Germ 16days to germinategrowth chamber studyday1Atwell et. al, Nature 20103.0
avrPphBbacterial disease resistancegrowth chamber studydimensionless unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 20101.0
Area sweden 2009 (2nd experiment)square centimeter1Flowering time in simulated seasons6195.5
Area sweden 2009 (1st experiment)square centimeter1Flowering time in simulated seasons16517.5
deltaRGR P Zn norm on Zn normrelative root lengthplant growth mediumratio1Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency0.362481966
MRL125root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumlength unit1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture2.0063675
Germ 10days to germinategrowth chamber studyday1Atwell et. al, Nature 20105.0
root length day001root lengthplant growth mediummicron pixel1Root growth under Zn deficiency Bouain et al. 201897.27025
P-mean Total length day004root lengthplant growth mediummicron pixel1Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency205.611375
P31phosphorus concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 20108012.48
aLRL125root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumlength unit1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture0.0620391
Size spain 2009 (2nd experiment)centimeter1Flowering time in simulated seasons12.4
Yield spain 2009 (1st experiment)seed weightgram1Flowering time in simulated seasons0.0235
MRLpTRS125root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumratio1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture0.806763081
Fe56iron concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 201061.4866
PZ-mean Total length day005root lengthplant growth mediummicron pixel1Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency418.597
Depth125root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumlength unit1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture1.5868405
LRLpMRL75root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumratio1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture0.731947562
0W GH LNleaf numbergrowth chamber studycount unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 201058.0