Diameter | flower diameter | growth chamber study | length unit | 1 | 1001 Genomes & easyGWAS | 12.0 |
noLRpMR75 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | count unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 19.75 |
root length day006 | root length | plant growth medium | micron pixel | 1 | Root growth under Zn deficiency Bouain et al. 2018 | 798.6995 |
Gravitropic setpoint angle (GSA) | gravity response trait | in vitro growth medium | angle unit | 1 | Gravitropic setpoint angle (GSA) | 3.73 |
Zn66 | zinc concentration | growth chamber study | concentration unit | 6 | Ion Concentration | 103.799040077 |
rosetteDM | plant dry weight | growth chamber study | milligram | 1 | Adaptive diversification of growth allometry in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana | 313.71 |
F-mean Total length day003 | root length | plant growth medium | micron pixel | 1 | Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency | 154.397 |
Li7 | lithium concentration | growth chamber study | concentration unit | 6 | Ion Concentration | 27.6764350617 |
FT10 | days to flowering trait | growth chamber study | day | 1 | 1001genomes flowering time phenotypes | 63.5 |
Ni60 | nickel concenteration | growth chamber study | concentration unit | 6 | Ion Concentration | 6.69920993967 |
DTF spain 2009 (2nd experiment) | days to flowering trait | — | day | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 36.0 |
DTFlocSweden2008 | days to flowering trait | — | dimensionless unit | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | -3.75 |
DTFmainEffect2009 | days to flowering trait | — | dimensionless unit | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 0.25 |
DTF sweden 2008 (1st experiment) | days to flowering trait | — | day | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 33.25 |
Length | stem length | growth chamber study | length unit | 1 | 1001 Genomes & easyGWAS | 46.66666667 |
AAT (Accelerated seed Aging Treatment) | seed longevity | warm/hot water temperature regimen | ratio | 1 | Seed longevity (Renard et. al., 2020) | 0.042330559 |
RGR Fe | relative root length | plant growth medium | rate unit | 1 | Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency | 4.050084906 |
root length day002 | root length | plant growth medium | micron pixel | 1 | Root growth under Zn deficiency Bouain et al. 2018 | 286.4781667 |
PC3sc0 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | dimensionless unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 0.678150067 |
Apical0 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | length unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 2.5714825 |