Accession: ÖMö2-1
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Arabidopsis thaliana
Magnus Nordborg
Collected on:
56.14 / 15.78
CS number:
Scored in 288 phenotypes:
Phenotype NameTrait Ontology (TO)Environmental Ontoloy (EO)Unit Ontology (UO)# valuesStudyValue (mean)
As2bacterial disease resistancegrowth chamber studycolony forming unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 20101.5
Asbacterial disease resistancegrowth chamber studydimensionless unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 20101.333
B11boron concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 201069.3657
B11boron concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit6Ion Concentration146.6370272
Cd114cadmium concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 20103.70996
Cd111cadmium concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit6Ion Concentration0.779576566333
Ca43calcium concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 201024677.3
Ca43calcium concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit6Ion Concentration62745.9594317
Co59cobalt concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 20101.67487
Co59cobalt concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit6Ion Concentration0.631297848
Cu65copper concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 20101.31245
Cu65copper concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit6Ion Concentration10.5448766027
FT16days to flowering traitgrowth chamber studyday1Atwell et. al, Nature 2010116.0
FT10days to flowering traitgrowth chamber studyday1Atwell et. al, Nature 2010103.0
LDVdays to flowering traitgrowth chamber studyday1Atwell et. al, Nature 201035.3333
SDdays to flowering traitgrowth chamber studyday1Atwell et. al, Nature 2010200.0
0W GH FTdays to flowering traitgrowth chamber studyday1Atwell et. al, Nature 201096.5
FT Fielddays to flowering traitgrowth chamber studyday1Atwell et. al, Nature 2010186.142
LDdays to flowering traitgrowth chamber studyday1Atwell et. al, Nature 2010185.34
8W GH FTdays to flowering traitgrowth chamber studyday1Atwell et. al, Nature 201035.1