DTFlocSweden2008 | days to flowering trait | — | dimensionless unit | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 2.87881 |
TRS75 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | length unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 4.654044 |
DTFmainEffect2009 | days to flowering trait | — | dimensionless unit | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 14.0 |
DTF spain 2009 (1st experiment) | days to flowering trait | — | day | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 71.5 |
DTF sweden 2008 (1st experiment) | days to flowering trait | — | day | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 39.3333 |
Mo98 | molybdenum concentration | growth chamber study | concentration unit | 6 | Ion Concentration | 6.94365555217 |
AAT (Accelerated seed Aging Treatment) | seed longevity | warm/hot water temperature regimen | ratio | 1 | Seed longevity (Renard et. al., 2020) | 0.130327869 |
PC1sc75 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | dimensionless unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 0.397092131 |
Co59 | cobalt concentration | growth chamber study | concentration unit | 6 | Ion Concentration | 0.4974783555 |
Leaf Fe Mine (μg/g) | iron concentration | green house study | microgram | 1 | Pb Mine soil | 129.62 |
noLRpMR125 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | count unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 5.5 |
PC3sc0 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | dimensionless unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 0.411530282 |
Straight75 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | ratio | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 0.887259 |
Apical0 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | length unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 2.30161775 |
DTFplantingLoc2008 | days to flowering trait | — | dimensionless unit | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 5.22773 |
aLRLpMRL125 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | ratio | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 0.038865456 |
PC3sc75 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | dimensionless unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | -1.035055324 |
Cu65 | copper concentration | growth chamber study | concentration unit | 6 | Ion Concentration | 11.3455812452 |
LRDpBZ125 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | count unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 5.04024125 |
Estimated Soil Pb | — | — | — | 1 | Pb Mine soil | 0.293580496 |