Zn66 | zinc concentration | growth chamber study | concentration unit | 5 | Ion Concentration | 131.18173168 |
As75 | arsenic concentration | growth chamber study | concentration unit | 6 | Ion Concentration | 0.451037937667 |
Se82 | selenium concentration | growth chamber study | concentration unit | 6 | Ion Concentration | 14.4629867317 |
Rb85 | lodicule morphology trait | growth chamber study | concentration unit | 6 | Ion Concentration | 94.736648405 |
Mo98 | molybdenum concentration | growth chamber study | concentration unit | 6 | Ion Concentration | 21.0117331083 |
Cd111 | cadmium concentration | growth chamber study | concentration unit | 6 | Ion Concentration | 0.8617404665 |
noLRpMR0 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | count unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 8.5 |
LRDpMR0 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | count unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 1.76152675 |
LRDpBZ0 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | count unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 6.4025215 |
noLRpMR75 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | count unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 21.0 |
LRDpMR75 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | count unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 3.82676975 |
LRDpBZ75 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | count unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 6.5235885 |
noLRpMR125 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | count unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 3.5 |
LRDpMR125 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | count unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 1.49740325 |
LRDpBZ125 | root morphology trait | vertical agar growth medium | count unit | 1 | Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture | 3.4843065 |
DTF sweden 2008 (1st experiment) | days to flowering trait | — | day | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 38.3333 |
DTF spain 2009 (1st experiment) | days to flowering trait | — | day | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 66.6667 |
DTF spain 2009 (2nd experiment) | days to flowering trait | — | day | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 60.5 |
DTF spain 2008 (1st experiment) | days to flowering trait | — | day | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 58.0 |
DTF sweden 2009 (1st experiment) | days to flowering trait | — | day | 1 | Flowering time in simulated seasons | 60.25 |