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Arabidopsis thaliana
Czech Republic
Jirina Relichov
Collected on:
49.1 / 16.2
CS number:
Scored in 462 phenotypes:
Phenotype NameTrait Ontology (TO)Environmental Ontoloy (EO)Unit Ontology (UO)# valuesStudyValue (mean)
clim-tmax7other miscellaneous traitecological environmenttemperature unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation237.0
clim-tmax10other miscellaneous traitecological environmenttemperature unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation134.0
DTFplantingSummerLocSweden2009days to flowering traitdimensionless unit1Flowering time in simulated seasons23.25
MS-mean Total length day005root lengthplant growth mediummicron pixel1Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency315.414
clim-aet8other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation2.431427002
F-mean Total length day004root lengthplant growth mediummicron pixel1Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency231.028333333
clim-prec10other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation37.0
Leaf serr 22leaf margin serratedgrowth chamber studydimensionless unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 20100.0
MRL75root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumlength unit1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture5.453035
clim-tmax8other miscellaneous traitecological environmenttemperature unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation234.0
YieldLocSweden2009seed weightdimensionless unit1Flowering time in simulated seasons0.0460741
Diameterflower diametergrowth chamber studylength unit11001 Genomes & easyGWAS16.66666667
noLRpMR75root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumcount unit1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture28.75
root length day006root lengthplant growth mediummicron pixel1Root growth under Zn deficiency Bouain et al. 2018611.8103333
clim-gs10other miscellaneous traitecological environmentdimensionless unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation1.0
As2bacterial disease resistancegrowth chamber studycolony forming unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 20100.5
Ni60nickel concenterationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit6Ion Concentration6.7667095905
DTF spain 2009 (2nd experiment)days to flowering traitday1Flowering time in simulated seasons38.0
clim-bio16other miscellaneous traitecological environmenttemperature unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation232.0
RGR Ferelative root lengthplant growth mediumrate unit1Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency86.12920513