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Arabidopsis thaliana
Kävlinge 7
Mattias Jakobsson
Collected on:
55.7936 / 13.1233
CS number:
Scored in 350 phenotypes:
Phenotype NameTrait Ontology (TO)Environmental Ontoloy (EO)Unit Ontology (UO)# valuesStudyValue (mean)
Trichome areatrichome morphology traitgrowth chamber studyarea unit1trichome_development_epidermis_metal_traits33073.67
FT16days to flowering traitgrowth chamber studyday11001genomes flowering time phenotypes99.0
TRS125root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumlength unit1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture2.60339875
SizeLocSweden2009dimensionless unit1Flowering time in simulated seasons6.6335
Area sweden 2009 (2nd experiment)square centimeter1Flowering time in simulated seasons8311.5
Area sweden 2009 (1st experiment)square centimeter1Flowering time in simulated seasons9658.5
clim-bio15other miscellaneous traitecological environmenttemperature unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation22.0
MRL125root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumlength unit1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture2.30754
clim-aet3other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation0.720000029
clim-prec7other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation69.0
rFitness mhiyield traitfield studyratio1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation0.841209483
Callose content in trichomestrichome morphology traitgrowth chamber studydimensionless unit1trichome_development_epidermis_metal_traits7.597
clim-gs sumother miscellaneous traitecological environmentdimensionless unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation8.0
clim-gs5other miscellaneous traitecological environmentdimensionless unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation1.0
aLRL125root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumlength unit1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture0.043934124
clim-bio6other miscellaneous traitecological environmenttemperature unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation-29.0
clim-prec9other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation64.0
MRLpTRS125root morphology traitvertical agar growth mediumratio1Salt induced changes in Root System Architecture0.892925603
clim-bio10other miscellaneous traitecological environmenttemperature unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation160.0
rFitness thiyield traitfield studyratio1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation0.668244035