List of all phenotypes
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Phenotype NameTrait Ontology (TO)Environmental Ontoloy (EO)Unit Ontology (UO)# valuesStudy
As75arsenic concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit2686Ion Concentration
Se82selenium concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit2701Ion Concentration
Rb85lodicule morphology traitgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit2702Ion Concentration
Mo98molybdenum concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit2702Ion Concentration
Cd111cadmium concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit2701Ion Concentration
Raffinose 32Ccarbohydrate contentgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit250Raffinose (22°C and 32°C)
Raffinose 22Ccarbohydrate contentgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit250Raffinose (22°C and 32°C)
Bsbacterial disease resistancegrowth chamber studycount unit175Atwell et. al, Nature 2010
8W GH LNleaf numbergrowth chamber studycount unit163Atwell et. al, Nature 2010
Aphid numberaphid resistancegrowth chamber studycount unit94Atwell et. al, Nature 2010
LN22leaf numbergrowth chamber studycount unit176Atwell et. al, Nature 2010
Trichome avg Cleaf trichome densitygrowth chamber studycount unit94Atwell et. al, Nature 2010
Trichome avg JAleaf trichome densitygrowth chamber studycount unit94Atwell et. al, Nature 2010
0W GH LNleaf numbergrowth chamber studycount unit135Atwell et. al, Nature 2010
LN10leaf numbergrowth chamber studycount unit177Atwell et. al, Nature 2010
LN16leaf numbergrowth chamber studycount unit176Atwell et. al, Nature 2010
Mean( Clateral root numberlaboratory studycount unit190Control (C) treatment
Mean( IAAlateral root numberauxin treatmentcount unit190Auxin (IAA) treatment
Mean( ABAlateral root numberabscisic acid treatmentcount unit191Abscisic acid (ABA) treatment
Mean( CKlateral root numbercytokinin treatmentcount unit192Cytokinin (CK) treatment