Accession: Kondara
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Arabidopsis thaliana
Igor Vizir
Collected on:
38.48 / 68.49
CS number:
Scored in 672 phenotypes:
Phenotype NameTrait Ontology (TO)Environmental Ontoloy (EO)Unit Ontology (UO)# valuesStudyValue (mean)
clim-aet3other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation1.888408065
root length day001root lengthplant growth mediummicron pixel1Root growth under Zn deficiency Bouain et al. 2018125.983375
clim-prec7other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation2.0
rFitness mhiyield traitfield studyratio1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation1.14655835
P-mean Total length day004root lengthplant growth mediummicron pixel1Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency275.3653
clim-gs5other miscellaneous traitecological environmentdimensionless unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation1.0
P31phosphorus concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 20108292.43
clim-bio6other miscellaneous traitecological environmenttemperature unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation-27.0
Yield spain 2009 (1st experiment)seed weightgram1Flowering time in simulated seasons0.1865
clim-prec9other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation3.0
Fe56iron concentrationgrowth chamber studyconcentration unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 201054.2759
PZ-mean Total length day005root lengthplant growth mediummicron pixel1Root growth rates under nutrient deficiency412.335416667
rSurvival fruit mhpyield traitfield studyratio1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation0.91299059
clim-pet7other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation7.199999809
clim-gs tmaxother miscellaneous traitecological environmenttemperature unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation86.0
0W GH LNleaf numbergrowth chamber studycount unit1Atwell et. al, Nature 201033.0
root length day003 minusZnroot lengthplant growth mediummicron pixel1Root growth under Zn deficiency Bouain et al. 2018305.667833333
clim-tmax9other miscellaneous traitecological environmenttemperature unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation284.0
DTF spain 2009 (1st experiment)days to flowering traitday1Flowering time in simulated seasons70.25
clim-prec4other miscellaneous traitecological environmentvolumetric flow rate unit1Lifetime fitness in Germany and Spain under rainfall manipulation93.0